Genre: Comedy/Musical • 100 min • 1985
In 1985, Tezuka Makoto, the son of a manga genius Tezuka Osamu, was still a film student with a few experimental shorts to his credit and who was entrusted with the mission to turn an album by Chikada Haruo into a musical film. Starring real-life musicians Kubota Shingo and Takagi Kan, the movie tells a story of a pair of rivals from the Tokyo band scene who are turned into pop sensations by a shadowy Svengali. But after a fleeting taste of success, they soon discover that, in the words of one song: Once you reach No. 1, you just go down.
Tezuka Makoto
Kubota Shingo, Takagi Kan, Togawa Kyōko, Ozaki Kiyohiko
in Japanese with English/Polish subtitles
Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre, 09.10.2019, 19:00