Don’t Look Back (Dokomade mo ikō)

Genre: Drama/Youth Film •75 min •1999

Shiota Akihiko Retrospective

Director Shiota Akihiko focuses on a central relationship between two schoolchildren – Akira and Koichi, ten years old but real tearaways who encourage each other in their misdeeds. They have everything to discover. But a cloud arrives on the horizon in the form of a new tough kid, who fascinates Akira. Akira is also experiencing the first uncertain feelings of love directed towards a girl in the school, so the special friendship begins to break up...


Shiota Akihiko


Suzuki Yūsaku, Mizuno Shingo, Haga Yuria


in Japanese with English/Polish subtitles

Special Guest(s)

Shiota Akihiko

Kino Kameralne Cafe - Arthouse Cinema in Gdansk, 07.10.2019, 21:00